Can You See A Person’s “Life Energy?”

Hello Friends,

My belief about death is that it can’t be the end of it all. It defies the laws of science that say matter cannot be created or destroyed,  just change in form.

Why wouldn’t it be the same in death?

The body I knew as my son is gone, but that was only his physical form in this lifetime. What about his life energy? Some might call it his “chi.”

I, and many others believe that we are not just bodies, we are souls as well. Souls are complicated things. I don’t believe souls die, instead, I believe they separate from the body and go someplace else or reincarnate into a new person.

So what if my loved one passes and takes a break before reincarnating? What happens to that energy? Where does it go? Does some of it stay on earth? (Ideas, anyone??)

Treehaven, January 11, 2016
Treehaven. The site where my son took his life.

The above picture was taken about a day after my son died. As you can see, there is very unusual light play going on, it almost looks like an angel sitting on the stool with his back to me, looking over his wing.

This was the exact spot where my son’s soul left his body. I don’t believe in angels (I’m too much of a scientist) but I do believe in life energy. It seemed like some of his lingering life energy was still there, and that I’d captured it in the photo.

I have taken other extraordinary photos at Treehaven with similar or unusual light play. I always feel that it is my son letting me know he is still with me.
