As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve read several books about life after death. I find the subject fascinating and enjoy comparing the experiences of the author’s to my own.
Angela Dawn’s book is about her spiritual journey which was guided by her mother, sister, and others in the spirit world. They urge her to write a book so that all on earth can understand more about the spirit world and their soul’s journey on earth.
The author communicates with the spirit world through, “inspired writing.” She calls this a form of “Mental Mediumship,” and it involves entering a state of meditation and receiving messages from loved ones or spirit guides. Ms. Dawn would then write as the spirit spoke. It’s important to note that the author is not a medium, just a regular Jane Doe.
The author believes that part of our souls remain in the spirit world while the other part remains with us on earth. We can live a more complete and meaningful life by connecting to the part of our soul in the spirit world through meditation.
The spirit guides say that we choose our lives on earth from the spirit world, then incarnate as humans to learn our lessons on earth and evolve our souls to a higher level. According to the guides, not everything can be learned in the spirit world and soul development happens faster on earth, especially if we undergo hardships and loss. We may intentionally choose a life of hardship in order to learn important lessons necessary to develop the soul.
If that’s true, I’m gonna be one heck of an evolved soul!
The overall message from the spirit world is that we are here to be as loving and kind to each other as we can. This is why we are put on earth, and if we are successful at it, our souls will evolve to a higher level.
Many of the experiences Ms. Dawn writes about in the book I’ve experienced myself. The book made me much more comfortable with the idea that my son was communicating with me somehow. I don’t really care if people think I’m imagining it, I believe it’s for real. I hear his voice in my head often, whether he is giving advice or making jokes.
To communicate with my son, I often use a method described in a book called “Growing Up in Heaven,” by James Van Praagh, a famous medium. One chapter, entitled, “Letters from Heaven,” discusses how our loved ones who have passed are very much alive in the spirit world. Van Praagh encourages people who have lost a loved one to write a letter to the person, then set up a date to receive a reply.
When the reply date comes around, the person briefly meditates to clear their mind, listens for the reply… and writes what they hear. Van Praagh encourages the writer to just “go with it,” and write whatever comes to mind. It is very similar to the “inspired writing” approach that Angela Dawn speaks about. His experience with clients has been that the results are quite accurate. He gives several examples of letters and replies in his book.
I have used this method to communicate with my son with a good degree of success. Although sometimes it seems like my thoughts are coming through as well, I’ve definitely received messages that were new information and went deeper than my thoughts could have. For example, when my son told me the ashes in the urn were not him, just his vessel, and that he was not his vessel (meaning he was his soul not his body). I would never have had those thoughts at that time and they were more profound than my own.
Part 2 is coming tomorrow. I will run down some highlights of the book and connect them with my own experiences.